Monday, August 30, 2010

Piazza Vecchia Pleasures in Bergamo Alta

Nothing is more relaxing than winding down after a beautiful day of sightseeing by sipping a fabulous glass of local wine and absorbing the atmosphere in the local piazza.

In Bergamo Alta, the Piazza Vecchia is flanked by museums, churches and residences in some fine examples of Italian architecture.  At the heart of the piazza is a large fountain.  Children run freely, chasing pigeons and riling up the dogs to a backdrop of splendid history.  Gelato is everywhere, and so is the spectacular light as the sun begins to set.

We paused to take it all in at Cafe del Tasso, a casual place that offers antipasti along with its drinks. 

Cafe del Tasso
Piazza Vecchia
Bergamo Alta